Tycom takes security destruction very seriously. All destruct materials that come into our facility are accounted for and locked in secure areas. The plant is fully alarmed and covered by a security camera system with retention capabilities. HIPAA regulations are followed as well as our own security policies. Product destruction can be witnessed or a digital video copy can be provided with a Certificate of Destruction.
**Mouse Over Pictures for Description**

Confidential destruction of medical and industrial X-Ray films. The films are granulated into a flake material that is later washed to remove coatings and silver. We provide size reduction and sampling services.

Confidential destruction of corporate, medical and personal documentation. The documents are shredded into an unrecognizable state and then baled for recycling.

We can destroy consumer products, packaging, medical devises and testing supplies that have expired or were rejected in manufacturing. Tycom provides an end of life solution to render the products unuseable and if possible provide a recycling alternative.

Surplus packaging such as bottles, caps, films, bags and trays that become available due to a product or logo change. These products normally have a recycling or reuse value and provide revenue back to the customer.

Confidential destruction of credit card, cassette and CD materials.

Manufactured parts and assemblies that require a broader range program to unpackage, separate components and recycle.